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Page history last edited by Mrs. Durff 16 years ago

Planetary Location:

Sub sector: Span 175 located on the core ward edge of the spiral arm. Regina Loran Star system. H-R White main sequence star with average surface temperature of 12,000 degrees C. Diameter: 2,073,600 km. Sun spins on its axis from left to right. 12 planets and 2 asteroid belts in system. The Third, Fourth, and Fifth planets have conditions favorable to Earth based life forms.

Planetary Conditions: Planetary diameter 11200 km. Gravity is 1.2 times Earth’s gravity. Strong magnetic field. Nickel Iron Core. Some volcanic activity on the planet. Average distance from its sun is 298,000,000 km. Betelgoose circles its sun every 690 Earth days. Betelgoose length of day is 27 hours 25 minutes. Betelgoose tilts 25.25 degrees on its axis, causing seasonal changes. Betelgoose has both a northern and southern polar ice cap. The mountain range planet has 7 continents and is covered by 7 systems. Betelgoose also has its own version of Van Allen Radiation Belts and an atmospheric composition of 78% Nitrogen, 19% Oxygen, 1% Carbon Dioxide, 1% trace gases (similar to Earth), and 1% Argon. Atmospheric pressure is 1.05 times that of earth. Hydrographic percentage of coverage is 65% (surface covered by water). Overall average temperature is 3 degrees C cooler than the

Earth’s average temperature.

Regional Conditions

North Halsin – subarctic to temperate, dry

Donella Valley – temperate

South Halsin – temperate to subtropical

Cooray – tropical

Brief History

Betelgoose, discovered in 2232, is the fifth planet in Regina Loran system. Betelgoose has many species of plants and animals, including a number that have some intelligence. Planetary mineral survey indicates favorable condition for industrialization. The extreme tilt of the planet’s axis makes for seasonal changes which are more extreme than on earth. These extreme changes have encouraged a wide variety of seasonal adaptations by Betelgoose’s species. The biological survey of the plants and animals yielded a variety with adaptations to the local environment in their own specific ways. The classification of the life forms turned out to be remarkably similar to those of Earth. Among the more unusual species described so far are the following:

Excerpt from Biological Survey

Name: Halsin Sand Eels

Habitat: Sandy regions of North Elauos These reptilian like animals resemble Earth snakes but have four small legs that they keep tucked close to their body most of the time. They are covered with heavy armored scales which stand up to the abrasives of the sands of Halsin rift Sand Depression. Each digit has a scoop like claw which helps the Sand Eel move through and on the sand. The Sand Eel deals with the increased gravity of Betelgoose with a more robust bone and muscle structure. Sand Eels eat insects, very small desert mammals and eggs. They are not very aggressive using camouflage and surprise to ambush their prey. They bury themselves deep in the sands to escape the frigid night of the rift.

Name: Lesser Betelgoose Hickory Palm

Habitat: Temperate Donella Valley

Although these trees look like Hickory Trees of Earth, they are not true hickory trees. Lesser Betelgoose Hickory Palm averages about 15 to 18 meters in height with a spread of 10 to 15 meters across. The tree has a shape like a hickory tree in growth habit but does not lose its leaves or go dormant like the hickory’s of Earth. The bark resembles Hickory but it has a high number of strong fibers which resemble rope in their cross section making the tree very strong and are difficult to cut through. The trees inner trunk is very much like that of a palm tree and very high in food value. The plant also produces a nut which resembles the Hickory nut but is harder and larger. The tree structure makes it unusable for the most part as lumber.

Name: Great Betelgoose Hickory Palm

Habitat: Tropical rain forest of Cooray Huge but very rare versions of the Lesser Betelgoose Hickory Palm, they can reach 50 meters, with a spread of 50 meters. All other characteristics are like those of the Lesser species. Name: Neptune’s Blankets

Habitat: Deep, regions of all oceans Neptune’ Blankets are something like a large flat jelly fish but weight nearly 35 Kilograms. They swim by rippling their bodies the same way as rays on Earth. They kill their prey by engulfing it and stinging it. Very little is known about these strange creatures, as live Neptune’s Blankets have been sighted only briefly on several occasions.

Name: O’Malley’s Snip

Habitat: Subtropical South Halsin and Cooray The O’Malley’s Snips are small insect like creatures no more than 1 cm in length with a wing span of 1.5 cm. They often appear from the brush in swarms of several hundred to thousands of individuals. They feed on the blood of mammals, birds and plants juices. They resemble a biting fly. Further study is needed to determine if they can transmit disease. They also migrate north during the long summer months.

Name: Golden Bell

Habitat: Forested and open areas of South Halsin, Donella Valley, Cooray Golden Bell is the major ground cover on Betelgoose. There are large tracts of the little plant known as the Golden Bell. They are a brilliant golden yellow in color with the plants about the size of a softball, and a very tough skin and bell shaped base. They extract their nutrients and water from the soil and also use photosynthesis. Inside the bell shaped stems are soft fibrous tissues. Below ground the root system is entangled forming a mat.

Name: Snorks

Habitat: Exclusive to Donella Valley Snorks are about the size and shape of a large prairie dog. They can walk upright, on their powerful hind legs, and have well developed grasping hands on their forelimbs. They are very rare and shy, so that they have not been well studied yet. Early observations show them to be as intelligent as a chimpanzee. With the climate of Betelgoose being cool, even in summer temperate zones, Snorks spend much of their time in large underground nests. These are heavily insulated with at least one emergency escape exit. Snorks have been observed using simple tools shaping them with their teeth. They have also been seen working together to drive off predators from the nest. Further study is called for to understand them.

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