The Model helps students understand what is working well and what needs to be improved in their writing. The traits give teachers a focus for their writing instruction. The traits give all a common language for talking about and celebrating writing. The Six Trait model breaks down writing performance into a manageable group of teachable and assessable skills.
1. Everyone has the capacity to write, writing can be taught, and teachers can help students become better writers.
2. People learn to write by writing.
3. Writing is a process.
4. Writing is a tool for thinking.
5. Writing grows out of many different purposes.
6. Conventions of finished and edited texts are important to readers and therefore to writers.
7. Writing and reading are related.
8. Writing has a complex relationship to talk.
9. Literate practices are embedded in complicated social relationships.
10. Composing occurs in different modalities and technologies.
11. Assessment of writing involves complex, informed, human judgment.
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